『這些人是誰?』(17) -充滿使命感的尼希米

ÒWho Are These People?Ó(17) - Nehemiah: A Man Full of a Sense of Mission.


Scriptures: Nehemiah

背誦經文:13 你們務要警醒,在真道上站立得穩,要作大丈夫,要剛強。 14 凡你們所做的都要憑愛心而做。(林前16:13-14)

Memory Verse: Ò13 Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong. 14 Let all that you do be done with love.Ó (1 Corinthians 16:13-14)

() 是位關心 神家,以 神家興亡為己任的人

 1) One who cared about the house of God and regarded the rise and fall of the house of God as his responsibility


         ─ Resided in the world (the palace), yet did not belong to the world

         為著 神家復興有準備,且有具體的行動

         ─ Prepared for the revival of the house of God and took specific actions

() 是對 神家真實情況有第一手了解和改進之道的器皿

 2) A vessel that had first hand understanding of the situation of the house of God and the ways to improve

      我夜間起來É沿溪而上,察看城牆(被毀壞的情形) (212-15)

      So I went up in the night by the valley, and viewed the wall. ( 2:12-15)

      我見É我就É (1310/11,15/17,23/25)

      I realized...so I contended with...( 13:10/11, 15/17, 23/25)


          ( Restored LevitesÕ services / rebuked those who profaned the Sabbath day / forbade intermarriage with Gentiles...)



 3) A leader who was able to pass on the mission and gather spiritual strength within the house of God

       來罷、我們重建耶路撒冷的城牆、免得再受凌辱 (217-18)

      ÓCome and let us build the wall of Jerusalem, that we may no longer be a reproach.Ó  ( 2:17-18)



a)      能使人「               (三章) -「其次是」的重覆出現

a)   Was able to have people Òrise upÓ (Nehemiah 3) - repeated occurrences of Ònext toÓ

b)      能使人「            (三章) -「對著自己的房屋修造」的重覆出現

b)    Was able to Ò                          Ó (Nehemiah 3) --repeated occurrences of Òmade repairs in front of his houseÓ

c)    能使人「                       (416-23) -「我們做工É從天亮直到星宿出現的時候」(4:21)

c)   Was able to have people Ò                                            Ó (Nehemiah 4:16-23) -ÓSo we labored in the work... from daybreak until the stars appeared.Ó  (Nehemiah 4:21)

() 是位深知仇敵詭計,儆醒謹守的勇士 (219-2041- 1562-1673-4)

  4)  A warrior who understood the enemyÕs schemes, and was watchful and sober (Nehemiah 2:19-20, 4:1-15, 6:2-16, 7:3-4)


      Faced with the enemiesÕ schemes and attacks, he always responded with three things (Nehemiah 4, 6):

a)                                  (                                 )

b)                                    (                                         )

c)                                           (                                                 )


() 是位怕 神不怕人,專心討 神喜悅的神僕

  5) A servant who feared the Lord, not man, and focused on pleasing the Lord


            Threw all the household goods of Tobiah out of the room (Nehemiah 13:4-9)

      我就斥責官長...我就警戒他們É我就斥責猶大的貴冑É 打了他們É拔下他們的頭髮É我就把他趕出去É (1311,15,17,21,25,28)

      So I contended with the rulers...And I warned them...Then I contended with the nobles of Judah...struck some of them and pulled out their hair... therefore I drove him from meÉ (Nehemiah 1311,15,17,21,25,28)