
Let those who love Him be like the sun when it comes out in full strength”



Scriptures: Judges 5:31; Zechariah 4:10, 2 Chronicles 16:9a

Memorization Scripture: ““Thus let all Your enemies perish, O Lord! But let those who love Him be like the sun when it comes out in full strength.””(Judges 5:31)


A)    神家需要器皿,神也一直在尋找合用的器皿
God’s house needs vessels, and God is continually searching for usable vessels


B)    底波拉的禱告
The prayer of Deborah


1) 對仇敵:願仇敵被去除
    Towards the enemy: May all the enemies be removed

- 「願你的仇敵都...滅亡」

   “Let all your enemies perish”

2) 對神:願愛主的人更多被興起
    Towards God: May those who love the Lord be multiplied and raised up

- 「願愛你的人...出現...
“Let those who love the Lord … come out”


3) 神兒女:願愛主的人有更明顯的屬天影嚮力
  Towards God’s children: May those who love the Lord have more visible heavenly influences

- 「願愛你的人如日頭出現,光輝烈烈!」

“Let those who love Him be like the sun when it comes out in full strength.”


C)     我們新年的期望
Our expectations for the New Year

- 尤其面對敎會成長的關鍵時

Particularly while we are facing critical times to the growth of the church