
 (D) 唯獨基督(1) -因著「信」: 活出美好的証據


經文: 來:111 – 123

講員: 于宏潔 弟兄


(一)  希伯來書作者特別強調之列祖們所共有的特質:_________

(1) 『古人在這信上得了美好的証據』【或作:見證】(v2)

(2) 因著信,___________________ (v3)

(二)  這信心在跨時代中的應用


2)重要性:『人非_______,就不能得 神的喜悅;因為到 神面前來的人必須信_________,且信祂賞賜那___________________。』(116)



4)目標:『他們卻羨慕一個更美的家鄉,就是在天上的。所以 神被稱為他們的神,並不以為恥,因為祂已經給他們預備了________。』(1116)


(三)  舊約列祖們因著信而有的美好証據 (見証)

-亞伯 /以諾 /挪亞 /亞伯拉罕 / 以撒 / 雅各 / 約瑟 / 摩西 / 以色列人 /喇合É

(四) 新約聖徒們該有的回應

1『我們既有這許多的見證人,如同雲彩圍著我們,就當放下___________________,脫去___________________,存心忍耐,奔那擺在我們前頭的路程, 2 _________為我們信心創始成終的耶穌É(121-3)



1. 一個人是否有信心,會帶來那些不同的表現?藉著組員們關於這點的交通,請小組長整理出你們小組對『信心重要性』的結論

2. 請每一位組員交通希伯來書第11章其中一位信心列祖在他信心見証上對你的幫助。是在那一個點上特別幫助了你?

3. 聽完了「新約聖徒們該有的回應」之後,你具體的回應是什麼?請用幾句話寫下你的回應:




Examine Christ Alone Through Hebrews (8)

(D)  Christ Alone (1) -  By faith : Live out the good testimony


Scriptures: Hebrews 11: 1 - 12:3

Speaker: Brother Hung Yu


AThe author of Hebrews particularly emphasized on the common characteristic of the patriarchs ______________________

(1) ÒFor by it the elders obtained a good testimony.Ó  (V2)

(2) By faith, ____________ (V3)

BThe application of faith through the generations

(1) The definition:  ÒNow faith is ________________________________Ó  ( Hebrews 11:1)

(2) The importance:  ÒBut without _____ it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that _____, and that He is a rewarder of __________________Ó  ( Hebrews 11:6)


(3) The characteristics: ÒThese all died in faith, not having received _____________, but having seen them afar off were assured of them, embraced them and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth. 14 For those who say such things declare plainly that they _____________Ó (Hebrews 11: 13-14)

(4) The goal: ÒBut now they desire a better, that is, a heavenly country. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for He has prepared a _____ for themÓ ( Hebrews 11:16)

(5)The challenge: ÒAnd truly if they had called to mind that country from which they had come out, they ___________________________Ó ( Hebrews 11:15)



CBy Faith, the patriarchs in the Old Testament obtained good testimonies







DThe response the New Testament saints should have

ÒTherefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside __________, and ___________________________, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 __________ Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of GodÓ  ( Hebrews 12:1-3)



Feedback Questions:

  1. How would oneÕs faith (or lack of it) result in different behaviors?  Small group leader please summarize the conclusion of your group discussion on ÒThe Importance of FaithÓ.


  1. Each small group member please share how has the testimony of faith of one of the patriarchs in Hebrews 11 helped you.  In what way?


3.    After hearing ÒThe response the New Testament saints should haveÓ, what is your practical response?  Please write down your response.