“Follow Jesus in His Steps “ (18):

The Miracles Performed by Jesus (7) - The Miracle of Five Loaves and Two Fish

經文:太14:13-21,  1532-39,約61-1427-68

Scriptures: Matthew 14:13-21, Matthew 15:32-39, John 6:1-14, 27-68


Memory Verse: And Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst.” (John 6:35)

(A) 約翰記載神蹟 (Signs) 的目的 -  見証耶穌是基督,是永生神的兒子
(A) The purpose of John recording the signs - to testify that “Jesus is Christ, the Son of God”

The uniqueness of this sign:

(1) 是唯一在四卷福音書中都有記載的神蹟
(1) The only sign recorded in all four Gospels

(2) 是在短短時間內,耶穌連行了兩次類似的神蹪
(2) Jesus performed two similar signs in a short period of time

(3) 是耶穌行完神蹪後隨之而有的教訓中最長的一次

(3) Among all Jesus’ teachings after performing signs, this one is the longest

(B) 使人認識耶穌是『從天上降下來的真糧
(B) That man may know Jesus is “the true bread which came down from heaven”

        - 主一連四次提及祂乃是生命的真糧(約634485158)。人若吃這糧,就:
The Lord mentioned four times that He is the true bread of life (John 6:34, 48, 51, 58).  He who eats this bread shall:

1) 必定不餓、且永遠不渴(6:34)
1) never hunger, never thirst (6:34)

Only eternal life can truly satisfy man’s needs, and solve man’s problems

2) 必定不死(6:48)
2) not die (6:48)

-「48 我就是生命的糧。49 你們的祖宗在曠野吃過嗎哪,還是死了。50 這是從天上降下來的糧,叫人吃了就不死。51 我是從天上降下來生命的糧;人若吃這糧,就必永遠活著。」(6:48-51)
48I am the bread of life. 49 Your fathers ate the manna in the wilderness, and are dead. 50 This is the bread which comes down from heaven, that one may eat of it and not die. 51 I am the living bread which came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever. (John 6:48-51)

3) 必永遠活著(6:51,58)
3) live forever (6:51,58)

             得以與主永遠聯合:『常在我裡面,我也常在他裡面 (v56)
              - Will be united with the Lord forever: “abides in Me, and I in him” (v56)

(C) 使人學習「在愛中交出自己,在信心中仰望 神的祝福」
(C) That man may learn to “surrender oneself in love, and look upon the blessings of God in faith”

Three key factors that allowed the multitude to enjoy the bread of life:

1) 小孩無私的交出來:『拿過來給我『使我成祝福』
1) Selfless giving of the child: “bring it to me” => “make me a blessing”

2) 主耶穌的祝福與擘開 『仰望 神的祝福』
2) The Lord Jesus’ blessing and breaking of bread => “look upon the blessings of God”

3) 門徒們順命的傳遞祝福 『傳遞且不蹧蹋主的祝福』
3) The disciples passed on the blessings obediently => “pass on and do not waste the blessings of the Lord”


Reflection question:

1. 可曾在實際的生活中經歷過主是生命的糧,祂滿足了我心靈上,生命裡的需要?如何能更多的經歷呢?
1. Have I experienced in real life that “the Lord is the bread of life”, and that He satisfied my spiritual and physical needs? How can I experience more?


2. 在我們的生活、工作與服事中,我們可以交出什麼讓神來使用,成為加倍的祝福臨到眾人?
2. In our living, work and service, what can we surrender for use by God, to become double blessings to people?