信息:歸回、重建與復興(十二) - 尼希米與最終的復興




() 是位關心神家,以神家興亡為己任的人

      ─ 人雖在世界(王宮),卻不屬於這世界

      ─ 為著神家復興有準備且有具體的行動









         他:能使人“起來” 能使人“分工”(三章)

           ƒ 能使人“全力以赴” (416-23)

() 是位深知仇敵詭計,儆醒、謹守的勇士 (219-2041-


() 是位怕神不怕人,專心討神喜悅的神僕

      ─ 擲出丟比雅的家俱(134-9)



       …” (1311,15,17,21,25,28)



(1) 請由尼希米這個人身上分享你最寶貝他的長處是什麼?那一個點是你個人最弱、最需要突破、改進的地方?







Message: Return, Rebuild and Revive (12) - Nehemiah & The Revival

Speaker: Brother Hung-Chieh Yu      

Scriptures: Nehemiah 


I. He Cares And Labors For God's House As His Own

      - Though he is in this world (palace), he is not of this world

      - Prepare for a revival, to work it out as plan

II. He Has A First Hand Knowledge of God's House And He is A Vessel For Improvement

- And I arose in the night, ...So I went out at night by the Valley Gate ...., inspecting the walls (the states of destruction). (2:12-15)

  - "I see.... then I..." (13:10,11,15-17,23-25)

III. He Pass On The Mission - A Leader To Channel the Strength of God's House

  - "Come, let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem so that we will no longer be a reproach." (2:17-18)

  - He can: 1) cause people to rise, 2) delegate the works, 3) motivate to work (4:16-23)

IV. He Clearly Knows The Enemies' Schemes; He Is An Alert and Stable Warrior (2:19,20, 4:1-15, 6:2-16, 7:3,4)

V. He Is A Servant Of God, Who Fears God Not Men

     - "I threw all of Tobiah's household goods out of the room" (13:4-9)

     - "So I reprimanded the officials ....  So I admonished them .... Then I reprimanded the nobles of Judah .... And I commanded the Levites .... So I contended with them and cursed them and struck some of them and pulled out their hair.... So I drove him away from me. (13:11,15,16,21,25,28)


 Leading questions

1. Please share with others what you treasure in the person Nehemiah the most? What do you think is your weakest area that requires improvement?

2. After hearing the series on "Return, Rebuild, And Revive", please share with others on the things that you are reminded of and desire to change for yourself and in your family.


Recited Bible Verse

(Jo 17:15-16)

  "I do not ask You to take them out of the world, but to keep them from the evil one.   "They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.