信息:歸回、重建與復興() - 重建城牆()


經文:尼希米記 一 ─ 六章


() 城牆的重要屬靈意義

        (1) 保護

        (2) 分別界線

        (3) 具體見證


() 城牆拆毀﹐城門被火焚燒的結果



() 尼希米的特殊使命

  (1) 城牆的重建

   (a) 實況的勘察

(b) 負擔的傳遞 

(c) 對仇敵的儆醒、謹守

(d) 不計代價﹐全力以赴

(e) 分工合作﹐各盡其職


(2) 立體事奉的重建, 屬靈見證的恢復



() 城牆完工的歡樂 (1227-47)














Message: Return, Rebuild & Revive (11) - Rebuilding City Walls (cont.)

Speaker:   Brother Hung-Chieh Yu     

Scriptures: Neh 1 to 6 


I.  The Spiritual Significance of the City Wall

     1. Protection

     2. Distinguishing boundaries

     3. Solid testimony


II. The Ends of the Wall Torned and the Gates Burned

     - "The remnant.... are in great distress and reproach .... (Neh 1:3)


III. Nehemiah's Special Mission

     1. Rebuilding of the wall

            a. Inspecting the actual condition

            b. Passing on the burdens

            c. Be alert and on guard against the enemies

            d. Going all out without reservation

            e. Every does his part for the whole

     2. Rebuilding service and restoring spiritual testimony


IV. The Joy of the Finished City Wall (Neh 12:27-47)


 Leading questions

1.Do your best to find at least three reasons of the speedy rebuilding of the city wall by the people of God. Then, apply these personally or to your family in the same light of the Scriptures. Please share if they are helpful.

2. Please share your insight and thoughts from the historical facts of Ne  hemiah 1 to 6.


Recited Bible Verse

(Proverbs 25:28)

Like a city that is broken into and without walls Is a man who has no control over his spirit.