信息:歸回、重建與復興() - 重建祭壇




(一) 全民重建的參與








(二) 祭壇的恢復



       奉獻的真諦:竭誠為主(My Utmost For His Highest)


() 奉獻生活的恢復

(1) 獻“每日”早晚當獻的燔祭 (3-4)


(2) 獻特別聖節的祭 (5a)


(3) 獻“各人”的甘心祭 (5b)






(a)祭壇的真意 ─「祂為我死,我為祂活」

(b)奉獻的真諦 ─「竭誠為主」(My Utmost For His Highest)





( 147-8)



Message: Returning, Rebuilding and Revival (III) - Rebuild the Altar

Speaker:   Brother Hung-Chieh Yu

Scriptures: Ezra 3:1~7, Rom 12:1,2, 14:7,8

I.    All People Participate in Rebuilding

      1. The desire to rebuild in one accord

      2. The acts to rebuild immediately

      3. The progress of actual rebuilding

II. Restoring the Altar

      - "...shall rise up, building an altar to the God of Israel,         shall 

           be built upon the original foundation" (3:2,3)

      - The truth of offering: "my utmost for His Highest"

III. Restoring the Life of Offering

      1. Offer "daily" the burnt offerings of morning and evening        (3,4)

      2. Offer the sacrifices of the special feasts (5a)

      3. Offer "each person's" willing offerings (5b)


Leading Questions

1. Share with others your first and the most recent experience of

   offering to the Lord

2. Share with others on any one of the following four points, the

   lesson you learn

     a. The significance of altar - "He died for me, I live for Him"

     b. The truth of offering - "My utmost for His Highest"

     c. Offering oneself is not to work for God, but to let Him work

    d. True offering will change our life and alter our livings


Recited Bible Verse



"For not one of us lives for himself, and not one dies for himself; for if we live, we live for the Lord, or if we die, we die for the Lord; therefore whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s.