信息:歸回、重建與復興(一) - 被擄與歸回




()歸回的必須 ─ 認識舊造被擄的可憐光景






()歸回的呼召 ─ 神恩典的介入







(三)歸回的實例 ─ 浪子的歸回與百姓的歸回


















( 詩篇126:4 )



Message: Returning, and Rebuilding, and Revival (I) 
            - the Captives and the Returning

Speaker:   Brother Hung-Chieh Yu

Scriptures: II Ch 36:15~21; Ezra 1:1~5; Je 3:12, 14, 22; Ps 126:1~4


I.             The Necessary Returning - recognize the pitiful state of the        captured old creation, that is
               1. Taken away from God's love and blessings
               2. Taken away from men's dignity and worth
               3. Taken away from God's holy purpose of creation
II.    The Call for Returning - the cutting in of God's grace, 
               "Return, O children of apostasy"
               1. God will forgive our iniquities (Je 3:12)
               2. God will accept us in His deepest love (Je 3:14)
               3. God will heal all our apostasies (Je 3:22)
III. Examples of Returning - the return of a prodigal son and   God's people
               1. Personal returning and corporate returning
               2. Relationship recovered and testimony restored
               3. Begins with a reminding of love and begins with an urging of mission
               4. The difficulty of will applied and the challenge of paying prize
               5. Accomplished by the father's acceptance and finished at the completion of mission
IV. The Testimony of a Corporate Returning, and Rebuilding,                and Revival - the history of Israel's returning from Captivity 
(please pre-read II Ki 24,25; II Ch 36; Ezra and Nehemiah)

Recited Bible Verse

Restore our captivity, O Lord, As the streams in the South. (Psalm 126:4 )


Leading Questions

1. What will cause the children of apostasy to return willingly?

2. State the difference between the individual and the corporate returning; please share with other members of what you know about the corporate returning (e.g. its importance, its challenge and your experiences....etc.)

3. What can you share with others about the captivity of God's children today?