小組查經 加拉太書

于楊念慈 07-06-2010


1.     帶領查經者根據經文(本卷書和使徒行傳)及附件「加拉太書概論」,說明本書的寫作背景、起源及目的。請組員們從第一章的經文中,分享對此說明的反饋及印證。


2.     第一章的分段:

1)    引言 v1 - v10

á      問安 v1 – v5



á      責備 v6 – v9


2)    保羅為他使徒身份的辯護 v11 – 17

á      所傳福音乃是從耶穌基督的啟示而來

á        神所召將福音傳在外邦人中 



3.     先藉著上兩題把經文事實熟悉之後,開始以下問題討論:

1)    從第三節到第五節短短兩節聖經,保羅就把「福音」主要的內容講出來。你若要用簡短的話來說明這「福音」,你會怎麼說?



2)    如果你有一位親愛的朋友,離棄真道輕易接受異端的教訓,你會如何反應?你要如何把他帶回起初所聽見的福音?



3)     你能否摸著保羅在這17節經文中的愛和迫切?

Small Group Bible Study - Galatians

Nancy Yu 07-06-2010

1Chapter 1 vv. 1-17

Galatians was written by Paul sometime between A.D. 48-49. It was probably addressed to the churches in Antioch, Iconium, Lystra and Derbe, which were located in the Roman province of Galatia. Paul and Barnabas visited these cities during their first missionary journey. Their reception was unforgettable. Acts 13-14 tells us that they were driven out of Antioch, that they fled from Iconium and that Paul was stoned in Lystra! Yet in spite of the opposition against Paul and Barnabas, people believed the gospel and churches were formed.


The real threat arose shortly thereafter. Certain people infiltrated the new churches with a different message.   "Unless you are circumcised according to the custom of Moses, you cannot be saved." (see Acts 15:1). Their arguments were impressive and their religious zeal was undeniable. Their gospel was perverted. The Galatians were in grave danger!   The Galatians were almost persuaded when Paul received word of what was happening.  Paul dictated this letter and sent it to be read in each of the churches.


4.     Bible Study leader first shares the background and the purpose of this epistle based on the scriptures of this book and book of Acts, then ask the group members to reflect on them.


5.     Chapter 1 – ÒBad News About the Good NewsÓ

1)     Introduction vv.1 - 10

á       Greetings  vv.1 – 5

Compare to other epistles, is there any special in these greetings?

á       Reproach vv.6 – 9

Why and how did Paul reproach Galatians?

2)      Paul explains his apostolic authority vv. 11 – 17

á       The Gospel preached by Paul is from the revelation of Jesus Christ

á       Paul was called by God  

Ponder: Why did Paul need to explain his authority and apostleship at the beginning of this epistle? He always teaches to live and serve in the Body of Christ and never want people to look up him but Christ.  IsnÕt it controversial here? How can we interpret this passage in a balance and godly way without taking it out of context?


6.     After the group has been familiar all of the scriptures and biblical facts, you may discuss the following:

1)     In three brief verses (Galatians 1:3-5), Paul tells us an enormous amount about the gospel. What do we learn?  How would you describe Òthe GospelÓ in your own words?


2)     If a close Christian friend of yours was almost persuaded to join a cult, how would you respond?


3)     Even centuries later, this chapter still radiates the heat of Paul's anger.  Why was he so angry?  Can you feel PaulÕs tremendous love and care behind the anger?