
1)  There are many ways in which the kingdom life wants to be made manifest in a congregation of believers.



Today we will highlight the Spirit of Joy that the Lord wants to set into His people.  Zephaniah prophesied that He would joy over His people with singing (Zeph 3:17)



There are many "joy stealers".  We must guard our hearts and allow His joy to be our strength.  He wants us to draw out of His wells with joy.



Jesus left joy to His disciples  John 15:1116:22,2417:13

耶穌把喜樂留給了祂的門徒 (約翰福音15:1116:22,2417:13


Joy is part of being in His kingdom Romans 14:17 It's joy in the Holy Spirit)
喜樂是在祂的國度中的一部分(羅馬書14:17 這是聖靈中的喜樂


You may or may not be happy but you can always have joy.  Romans 15:13 There were many in the Bible that weren't in "happy" situations but exhibited great joy.  (Paul in jail, the Hebrew Christians while being persecuted, Habakkuk in dire times, Christians in the early church that Peter wrote to.)

你不一定都會感覺快樂,但你總是能擁有喜樂。羅馬書15:13 聖經中有許多人在不快樂的情況下,卻表現出極大的喜樂。 (保羅在監獄裡,希伯來基督徒受逼迫的時候,哈巴谷在可怕的環境裡,彼得寫信給的那些初代教會的基督徒。)


Isaiah 54 instructs us to sing in the midst of barrenness and widowhood because better days are coming where He will increase among us His kingdom, (a kingdom of joy) and as we are on our journey to heaven we come with singing and everlasting joy (Is 51:11)

以賽亞書54章指示我們在不生養和寡居的情況中唱歌,因為更好的日子將要來到。當我們在回天家的旅途中,帶著永樂, 一路歌唱,祂就要在我們中間擴展祂的國度 (一個喜樂的國度)(以賽亞書 5111


May His joy mark your life, your home, your church!
