

背誦經文:74 叫我們既從仇敵手中被救出來 75 就可以終身在面前,坦然無懼地用聖潔、公義事奉(1:74-75)


A.   坐寶座之羔羊」的榮耀異象

á     1當烏西雅王崩的那年,我見主坐在高高的寶座上。祂的衣裳垂下,遮滿聖殿。 2 其上有撒拉弗侍立,各有六個翅膀:用兩個翅膀遮臉,兩個翅膀遮腳,兩個翅膀飛翔 3 彼此呼喊說:聖哉!聖哉!聖哉!萬軍之耶和華;祂的榮光充滿全地 4 因呼喊者的聲音,門檻的根基震動,殿充滿了煙雲(6:1-4)



B.     先知以賽亞的回應6:5-8


1.    面對 神的光照深覺不潔、有禍,渴望被潔淨(賽6:5-7

á       那時我說:「禍哉!我滅亡了!因為我是嘴唇不潔的人,又住在嘴唇不潔的民中,又因我眼見大君王萬軍之耶和華。」(賽6:5-7

人心裏所充滿的,口裏就說出來(6:45)一個人嘴唇不潔,說出了心裏的不潔與污穢。人要能被 神用,口舌必須受割禮、被聖火所潔淨

2.    面對 神的呼召全然獻上,任主使用(賽6:8

á       我又聽見主的聲音說:「我可以差遣誰呢?誰肯為我們去呢?」我說:「我在這裏,請差遣我!」(6:8

不是先知自己覺得配受 神的差遣,乃是因為他深深體會 神的心腸和神家的荒涼,因爲完全降卑、降伏在 神的主權下,任主差遣、使用

3.    面對 神的託付不畏艱難,忠心至死(賽6:9-13

á       祂說:「你去告訴這百姓說:你們聽是要聽見,卻不明白;看是要看見,卻不曉得。要使這百姓心蒙脂油,耳朵發沉,眼睛昏迷;恐怕眼睛看見,耳朵聽見,心裏明白,回轉過來,便得醫治。」我就說:「主啊,這到幾時為止呢?」祂說:直到城邑荒涼,無人居住,房屋空閒無人,地土極其荒涼。並且耶和華將人遷到遠方,É(賽6:9-13

只有對 神絕對的忠誠,才可能有使命感去面對一切的艱難、挑戰、與代價





Holiness Unto The Lord: ÒI saw the Lord seating on the throne, high and lifted upÓ


Scriptures: Isaiah 6:1-13


Memorization Verse: ÒTo grant us that we, being delivered from the hand of our enemies, might serve Him without fear, in holiness and righteousness before Him all the days of our life.Ó (Luke 1:74-75)


A.     The glorious vision of the Lamb sitting on the throne

á       In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lifted up, and the train of His robe filled the temple. Above it stood seraphim; each one had six wings: with two he covered his face, with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew. And one cried to another and said: ÒHoly, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory!Ó And the posts of the door were shaken by the voice of him who cried out, and the house was filled with smoke.

The IsaiahÕs vision of Òthe Lamb upon the throneÓ should also be the foremost vision for everyone who serves the Lord (Col 3:24b, John 12:39-41)


B.     The response of the prophet Isaiah (6:5-8)

One will always encounter the glory, power, and holiness of the Lord at His appearing; and will certainly result in oneÕs attitude of reverence and complete humility in His presence.  Isaiah was not only deeply moved and shaken by this glorious vision, but from the three ÒI saidÓ we can observe his specific response

a.    In light of GodÕs illumination – a deep sense of uncleanness, woe, and a desire to be cleansed (Isa 6:5-7)

á  So I said: ÒWoe is me, for I am undone!  Because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips;
for my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts.Ó

á  For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks. (Luke 6:45b) - A man has unclean lips because he speaks the filth and uncleanness of his heart.  If anyone is to be used by God, his lips and tongue must be circumcised and purified by holy fire.  


b.    In light of GodÕs calling – wholly consecration, for the LordÕs use (Isa 6:8)

á  Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: ÒWhom shall I send,
and who will go for Us?Ó  Then I said, ÒHere am I! Send me.Ó (Isa 6:8)

It is not that the prophet felt he himself is worthy to be sent by God, but because he deeply understands the heart of God and the desolation of the house of God; he humbles himself completely and surrenders under the sovereignty of God to be sent and used as the Lord wills.


c.     In light of GodÕs commission – unafraid of the hardship, faithful unto death (Isa 6:9-13)

á  And He said, ÒGo, and tell this people: ÔKeep on hearing, but do not understand; Keep on seeing, but do not perceive.Õ 10 ÒMake the heart of this people dull, And their ears heavy, And shut their eyes; Lest they see with their eyes, And hear with their ears, And understand with their heart, And return and be healed.Ó

11 Then I said, ÒLord, how long?Ó And He answered: ÒUntil the cities are laid waste and without inhabitant, the houses are without a man, The land is utterly desolate, 12 The Lord has removed men far awayÉ


Only when we are absolutely faithful towards God will we have the sense of commission to face all the difficulties, challenges, and sacrifices.