His anointing on our lives and ministry is the only means whereby we can bring forth lasting fruit produced in the lives of others that have been impacted by Christ in us.  To do His work in our strength, by our own means, will never bring the lasting results that He is looking for.  May He be glorified in and through our lives so that others are touched.  His work can only be done by His power and anointing on our lives.  Prophets, priests, and kings in the Old Testament always needing to be anointed before doing their work.  Everything in the tabernacle and temple that was to be used in the service of the Lord needed to be anointed.  How much more our lives in order to be what He wants us to be.  (I John 2:20,27;  Matthew 3 & Acts 10:38; I Cor 1:21; I Cor 16:15; Acts 2-3) 


唯有神在我們生命裡及事奉中的恩膏才能使我們在別人身上結出常存的果子, 因為他們會被在我們裡面的基督影響.  如果用我們自己的能力與方法來作神的工, 我們永遠無法帶出祂所要看到長遠的果效.  但願神能在我們的生命中得榮耀, 使人因此而受影響.  神的工作唯有藉著神在我們身上的能力和恩膏來完成.  在舊約裏先知,祭司和君王在他們出來事奉之前都必須先受膏.  每一個在會幕和聖殿中的器皿在被用來事奉神之前也都必須先被膏抹. 那我們若想成為神要我們成為的, 豈不更需要被膏嗎?



經文:約一 2:20,27; 3; 10:38; 林前 1:21; 林前 16:15; 2-3