讓主居首位(17) 在教會的生活和事奉上

That He May Have the First Place (17) - In The Church Life and Service

經文:弗1:22-23,弗4:1-311-16;西3:4;羅 11:36

Scriptures: Ephesians 1:22-23; Ephesians 4:1-3, 11-16; Colossians 3:4; Romans 11:36

 背誦經文 15惟用愛心說誠實話,凡事長進,連於元首基督,16 全身都靠他聯絡得合式,百節各按各職,照著各體的功用彼此相助,便叫身體漸漸增長,在愛中建立自己( 4:15 - 16)

Memory Verse: 15 but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head—Christ— 16 from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love. (Ephesians 4:15-16)

() 永遠不妥協的恩召和使命-                                           

(1) Uncompromising calling and mission                                                      

        (1)              是我們的生命 (西3:4)


        (1)               is our life (Colossians 3:4)

                  -『Life is the foundation of daily living and service, daily living and service are the expression of life

      (2) 看見萬有都是『本於祂 (Of Him)倚靠祂 (By Him)歸於祂 (For Him)

            使榮耀『歸給祂(To Him) 直到永遠 ( 11:36)

      (2) Observing that all are Of Him, By Him, and For Him)

            Let all glory be To Him until forever (Romans 11:36)

             (3) 我們的使命


             (3) Our mission

                  Regardless of individual, family, or church, hope that we can all be the

                                                   of Jesus Christ

() 彼此切實相愛,活出                       『一』的見証

(2) Love one another, live out the testimony of oneness                         .

         (1) 竭力保守聖靈所賜的『一


         (1) Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit

   -『Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace(Ephesians 4:3)

           (2) 在真道上和對 神兒子豐滿的認識上                      

               -『 直等到我們眾人在真道上同歸於一,認識 神的兒子,得以長大成人,滿有基督長成的身量(4:13)

           (2)                        of the faith and of the knowledge of the fullness of the Son of God

-『 Till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ(Ephesians 4:13)

1.     一』的重要

1. The importance of oneness

      『一』的根基是                    .

      The foundation of oneness is our                        .


      The requirement of oneness is the                                                    .

      『一』的力量在於                          .

      The strength of oneness is in the                              .

      『一』的實行在於                                  .

      The implementation of oneness is in                                                .


(3) The implementation for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry

a.                        有美好和諧的配搭


a.                                              , having wonderful and harmonious co-working 

- ÒFrom whom the whole body, joined and knit togetherÓ   

b. 百節各按各職,        各體該有的功用,彼此相助

b. Every part does its share,            what every joint supplies and effectively working together

c.   彼此成全、彼此建立,在愛中一起成長


c. Fulfill one another, edify one another, in love grow together

                            -『Causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love



 Feedback Questions

       1.  信息中提及『承受基督、活出基督』是我們永遠不妥協的恩召和使命,請分享(a) 你個人聽後的領受, (b)在過去這一星期中,它對你的生活與事奉所帶來任何的影嚮或改變。請至少五位組員有簡短的分享 (1 minute)

       1.  In the message it was said to receive Christ, live out Christ is our never compromising calling and mission.  Please share (a) your reflections to what you heard, (b) in the past week, what influence or change it brought to your daily living and service.  Please have at least five members giving a short sharing (1 minute)

   2.  小組作業

   2.  Small group homework

    『愛不僅是在消極方面的包容與接納,更是在積極上的鼓勵與成全』。當你碰到一個主內肢體在言行上有不合聖徒的體統,有批評論斷、傷害合一的事,或是在事奉上懶散不負責É你通常是如何去面對 (Be True)我們又該如何去面對才符合聖經所教導的身體生活的原則。請各小組收集眾人的分享後,列出具體的建議 (寄給 office或直接放在 shared doc –2012-06-10 Sunday Feedback Question Group Discussion (教會的生活和事奉))可以幫助全教會在這方面一起成長

    Love is not just passive acceptance, but active encouragement and fulfilling』。When you see a member of the body who acts in a way contrary to the conduct of the saints, being judgmental, hurting the oneness, or being lazy and irresponsible in service...  how do you face it (Be True)?  How are we to face it in a way that adheres to the principles taught in the Bible about bodily service?  Have each small group collect everyoneÕs sharing, then provide concrete recommendations (send to office or directly enter into the shared doc –2012-06-10 Sunday Feedback Question Group Discussion (教會的生活和事奉).  Lets help the whole church grow in this aspect

P.S. The document 2012-06-10 Sunday Feedback Question Group Discussion (教會的生活和事奉) has been shared with all small group leads.