
ÒAbide in ChristÓ  – Eat the Lord, Drink the Lord, Abide in the Lord



H581 主耶穌我羨慕活在祢面前

6:56            喫我肉喝我血的人、常()在我裏面、我也常()在他裏面。

John 6:56  He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood abides in Me, and I in him.


I. The sign that the Lord is the bread of life

1. 逾越節 ( 12:6-8; 6:4)

1. Passover (Exodus 12:6-8; John 6:4)


2. 嗎哪 ( 16:14-15; 6:31-33)

2. Manna (Exodus 16:14-15; John 6:31-33)


3. 五餅二魚的兆頭 ( 6:5-13)

3.  The sign of five loaves and two fish (John 6:5-13)



II. The Lord is the bread of life – The bread that gives life

6:48   我就是生命的糧。

John 6:48   I am the bread of life.    

  1. 「我是」的神 ( 3:14; 8:12; 10:7,9,11; 11:25; 14:6; 15:1,5)

1.  The God of ÒI AMÓ (Exodus 3:14; John 8:12; John 10:7,9,11; John 11:25; John 14:6; John



  1. 生命的糧 ( 6:49-51)

2.  The living bread (John 6:49-51)



IIIEat His flesh and drink His blood – True fellowship and union

6:35   耶穌說、我就是生命的糧.到我這裏來的、必定不餓.信我的、永遠不渴。

 John 6:35 Jesus said to them, ÒI am the bread of life.  He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst.Ó

  1. 到主這裏來 ( 6:37)

1.  Come to the Lord (John 6:37)


  1. 相信主 ( 6:47,54)

2.  Believe in the Lord (John 6:47, 54)


3. 得著主話 ( 6:63)

    3. Receive the LordÕs words (John 6:63)

6:63 叫人活著的乃是靈、肉體是無益的.我對你們所說的話、就是靈、就是生命。

John 6:63 It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing.  The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life.


四、與主同住 ( 6:53-57)

IV. Abide in the Lord (John 6:53-57)

6:53   耶穌說、我實實在在的告訴你們、你們若不喫人子的肉、不喝人子的血、就沒有生命在你們裏面。

John 6:53 Then Jesus said to them, ÒMost assuredly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you.


6:54   喫我肉喝我血的人就有永生.在末日我要叫他復活。

John 6:54 Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day.


6:55   我的肉真是可喫的、我的血真是可喝的。

John 6:55 My flesh is food indeed, and My blood is drink indeed.


6:56   喫我肉喝我血的人、常()在我裏面、我也常()在他裏面。

John 6:56 He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood abides in Me, and I in him.


6:57   永活的父怎樣差我來、我又因父活著、照樣、喫我肉(喫主)的人、也要因我活著。

John 6:57 As the living Father sent Me, and I live because of the Father, so he who feeds on   Me will live because of Me.


  1. 喫主的肉——聯合於祂道成肉身的榮美生命

1.  Eat the LordÕs flesh – Being united with His glorious life of The Word Became Flesh


  1. 喝主的血——聯合於祂超凡、聖潔的魂

2.  Drink the LordÕs blood – Being united with His supreme, holy soul


  1. 喫主——與主完全聯合,在祂以外,我們沒有生命

3.  Eat the Lord – Being united with the Lord completely; Apart from Him we have no life


  1. 同住——住在主裏面、主也住在我們裏面

4. Dwell with Him – Abide in the Lord, and He in us

另:We can have fellowship and practice regarding "Eat and Drink of the Lord" for the Adult Sunday School.  We might use Hymns 235 呼出與吸入 and 579 祢是愛的溫柔氣息.