
Faith in the Lord Jesus, Love unto all saints

Commemorate the Lord with Communion in Love


【經文】林前11:18-29, 10:16-1721
Scriptures: 1 Corinthians 11:18-29, 10:16-17, 21

1.      擘餅聚會的由來
The origin of Communion

1)      2000年前,這是主耶穌在地上的最後一頓晚餐。如今成為聖徒們(教會)最不可少的聚集
2000 years ago, it was the Last Supper of Lord Jesus on Earth. Today, it becomes an indispensable meeting of believers (church)

2)      耶穌親自邀請(路227-16, 19
Invited by Lord Jesus Himself (Luke 22:7-16, 19)

3)      主耶穌一同坐席,親自祝福餅杯,親自擘開,親自遞給在座的門徒
Lord Jesus sat with the disciples, personally blessed the cup and the bread, broke the bread, and passed them to the disciples.

4)      主耶穌自己就是逾越節桌上的羔羊
Lord Jesus Himself is the Lamb on the Passover table (1 Corinthians 5:7)

2.      擘餅聚會的意義 (太2626-29
The meaning of Communion (Matthew 26:26-29)

1)      「你們拿著吃.這是我的身體」  「為你們捨的」(22:19)
“This is My body which is given for you; do this in remembrance of Me.” (Luke 22:19)

2)      「你們都喝這個,因為這是我立約的血、為多人流出來、使罪得赦」

“Drink this, because this is the blood of my covenant, shed for many for the atonement of sin” “…this cup is the new covenant in my blood, which was shed for you” (Luke 22:20)

3)      「吃我肉喝我血的人、常在我裏面、我也常在他裏面」(約6:47-58
He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood abides in Me, and I in him.(John 6:47-58)

4)      這是一個新約時代教會見證的聚會

The is a meeting that give witness to churches in New Testament time

3.      如何參加擘餅聚會
How to join the Communion meeting

1)      要以參加筵席的態度準備赴會
Prepare to join with an attitude of attending a feast

2)      要按理吃主的餅、喝主的杯
Eat the Lord
s bread and drink the Lords cup in a worthy manner

3)      要以感恩的心向主獻上讚美
Praise the Lord with a thankful heart (Psalms 116:12-14)

4)      「你們每逢吃這餅、喝這杯、是表明主的死、直等到他來」
For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lords death until He comes

4.      這是一個愛的筵席
This is a feast of love

1)            神在這裡顯明祂的愛 (約3:16, 56-8, 23:5
God reveals His love here (John 3:16, Romans 5:6-8, 1 John 4:9, Psalms 23:5)

2)            我們也理當獻上我們回應的愛 (加:514-15
We should also offer our love in return (Galatians 5:14-15)

3)            我們也要彼此相愛 (約一419 420, 林前10:16-17
We should also love one another (1 John 4:10-11,19-20, 1 Corinthians 10:16-17)

Memory Verse: 1 Corinthians 10:16-17 The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? The bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Christ? For we, though many, are one bread and one body; for we all partake of that one bread.