信息:歸回、重建與復興() - 所羅巴伯和耶書亞




()    都是蒙恩的罪人

            ─ 是神從火中抽出來的

           ─ 是被神以華美衣服、冠冕換下污穢衣服的人



()    都是以神家復興為己任的人 (拉一 六章)

           ─ 重建祭壇:重建百姓生活的次序

           ─ 重建聖殿:重建百姓生活的目的



()    對敵敏銳,絕不妥協


           ─ 耶和華的眼睛,遍查全地,見所羅巴伯手拿線鉈就歡喜



()    靠主大能,勝過一切裡外艱難




()    至終,成為神的代表與彰顯





(1)    在荒涼、被擄的世代中要能成為得勝者,所面臨的挑戰有那些?由所羅巴伯和耶書亞的史實中,你能找出一些幫助他們得勝的因素嗎(例如:信心、同伴的重要、先知的勉勵、對神的話有反應…)

(2)    主日信息中提到的五個點,那一個點對你最有提醒作用或幫助?要怎麼更有效的運用到我們現實的生活裡呢?





Message :Return, Rebuild and Revive (7) - Zerrubbabel and Jeshua

Speaker:   Brother Hung-Chieh Yu

Scriptures: Zech 3:1-7, 4:1-10; Hag 1:1, 12-14, 2, 4, 23

I. Everyone Was A Sinner Saved by Grace

   - God removed a charred stick from a fire

   - God changed his filthy clothes with beautiful garment and a crown


II. They Worked for the Revival of God's House

   - Rebuild the altar: reorganize the orders of lives

   - Rebuild the temple: re-establish the purpose of lives


III. Be Alert of the Enemies and without Compromise

   - "We build God's temple and it has nothing to do with you (Ezra   

       4:2,3; 2 Ki 17:24, 32,33)

   -  These seven will be glad when they see the plumb line in the  

       hand of Zerubbabel -- these are the eyes of the LORD which  

       range to and fro throughout the earth."


IV. Overcome all difficulties within and without in His Might

   - "Not by might nor by power but by My Spirit". "What are you, O  

      great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you will become a plain

   - Zerubbabel has established the foundation of the temple, he will

      finish this work in his hands


V.At Last, to Represent God and Manifest Him

   - "O Zerrubbabel! You will be my mark on that day"


Leading Questions

1) What are the challenges for overcoming in the desolate generation of captivity? Learning from Zerrubbabel and Jeshua in the historical facts, could we identify their victorious factors?

    (e.g. faith, companionship, exhortation of the prophets, acting in God's words.....)

2) Which point from this 5-points message is most helpful to you? How would you begin to practice what you have learned?

 Recited Bible Verse

(Zech. 4:10)

 "For who has despised the day of small things? But these seven will be glad when they see the plumb line in the hand of Zerubbabel these are the eyes of the LORD which range to and fro throughout the earth."