信息:歸回、重建與復興() - 重建聖殿











()重建聖殿 ─ 恢復以神為中心的事奉與敬拜

(1)神是中心 ─ 神是我們一切聚會、生活、事奉的中心、目的與內容









      ─“他們彼此唱和眾民大聲呼喊 (V11)

















Message: Returning, Rebuilding and Revival (V) - Rebuild the Temple

Speaker:   Brother Yu

Scriptures: Ezra 3:7-13, 6:16-22; II Ch 2:4-6, 3:1; I Co 3:16,17


I.             The Important Significance of the Temple


                    1. It is a dwelling place established by God (II Ch 6:20; Ep 2:21,22)


                    2. It is a place for people to serve and to worship God


                    3. It is a place for the manifestation of God's glory


II.           Rebuild the Temple - restore God-centered service and worship


                    1. God is the center - God is our all; the center, the purpose and the content of our meetings, our living and our services


                    2. Participation of all people

                                         a. Freewill offerings of building material (Ezra 3:7)

                                         b. Building in one accord - ...all who came from the captivity to Jerusalem, began the work ...(Ezra 3:8)

                                         c. They sang, praising and giving thanks ... all the people shouted with a great shout  (Ezra 3:11)


                    3. In Spirit and Truth - a great shout, wept with a loud voice, and shouted aloud for joy


                    4. The hindrance and trial of rebuilding (please read Ezra 4 to 6 for next message)


                    5. Recovering of the service of all people (Ezra 6:16-22)


Our Quest together:

                    1) Imagine your entire house were living in 2500 years ago, how would you respond to God's calling you to "return" and "rebuild"?


                    2) Could you share on the one thing that we may break through or improve for our current service and worship? What shall be changed? How do we improve?


                    The three points of restoring the God-centered service and worship:

                    1) Pure - truly be God-centered

                    2) Breadth - the service of all people

               3) Depth - in spirit and in truth