You Are Holy


You are holy
You are mighty
You are worthy
Worthy of praise
I will follow
I will listen
I will love you
All of my days

I will sing to 
And worship
The Kingdom is worthy
I will love and adore Him
And I will bow down before Him
And I will sing to and worship the Kingdom is worthy 
And I will love and adore
And I will bow down before Him
You're my prince of peace
And I will live my life for You




This is Amazing Grace


Who breaks the power of sin and darkness
Whose love is mighty and so much stronger
The King of glory, the King above all Kings

Who shakes the whole earth with holy thunder
Who Leaves us breathless in awe and wonder
The King of glory, the King above all Kings

This is amazing grace
This is unfailing love
That You would take my place
That You would bear my cross
You laid down Your life
That I would be set free
Jesus I sing for all that YouÕve done for me

Who brings our chaos back into order
Who makes the orphan a son and daughter
The King of glory, the King of glory

Who rules the nations with truth and justice
Shines like the sun in all of its brilliance
The king of glory, the King above all Kings

Worthy is the lamb who was slain
Worthy is the King who conquered the grave


Worthy is the lamb who was slain
Worthy is the King who conquered the grave

Worthy is the lamb who was slain
Worthy is the King who conquered the grave

Worthy is the lamb who was slain
Worthy worthy worthy





Hail to the King


You came to us a man, in very nature God
Pierced for our iniquities as You hung upon the cross
But God exalted You to the highest place
And gave to You the right to bear
The Name above all names
That at the Name of Jesus we should bow
EvÕry tongue confess that You are Lord
And when You come in glory for the world to see
We will sing

Hail to the King, in all His splendor and majesty
Hail to the King of kings, Lord Jesus, our God

We eagerly await the coming of the day
The glory of the risen King will shine upon the earth
Then rival thrones will fall before the Lord of all
And hail supreme authority in the true and living God
At the Name of Jesus we will bow
As evÕry tongue confesses You as Lord
And when You come in glory for the world to see
We will sing

Hail to the King, in all His splendor and majesty
Hail to the King of kings, Lord Jesus, our God

Lord Jesus, You are our God




186 救主之愛





I stand amazed in the presence

Of Jesus the Nazarene,

希奇祂如何能愛我 —


And wonder how He could love me,

A sinner condemnÕd, unclean.




How marvelous! How wonderful!

And my song shall ever be;



How marvelous! How wonderful!

Is my SaviourÕs love for me!





For me it was in the garden

He prayed: ŅNot My will, but Thine



He had no tears for His own griefs,

But sweat-drops of blood for mine.




How marvelous! How wonderful!

And my song shall ever be;



How marvelous! How wonderful!

Is my SaviourÕs love for me!





He took my sins and my sorrows,

He made them His very own;



He bore the burden to Calvary,

And suffered, and died alone.




How marvelous! How wonderful!

And my song shall ever be;



How marvelous! How wonderful!

Is my SaviourÕs love for me!





When with the ransomed in glory

His face I at last shall see,



ŌTwill be my joy through the ages,

To sing of His love for me.




How marvelous! How wonderful!

And my song shall ever be;



How marvelous! How wonderful!

Is my SaviourÕs love for me!





Give Us Clean Hands


We bow our hearts

We bend our knees

Oh Spirit come make us humble

We turn our eyes from evil things

Oh Lord we cast down our idols


Give us clean hands

Give us pure hearts

Let us not lift our souls to another

Give us clean hands

Give us pure hearts

Let us not lift our souls to another

And God let us be

A generation that seeks

That seeks your face

Oh God of Jacob

And God let us be

A generation that seeks

That seeks your face

Oh God of Jacob



